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Today we want to share with you the most difficult challenge you'll ever face and how to overcome it! 

Most Difficult Challenge Ever - Change! 

Don't be fooled because the most challenging thing you'll ever do in your life is change. Change your habits, change your lifestyle, change your morning routine, change your mindset, and change your legacy. 

Why is it so hard to change? 

Changing an aspect of your life requires new habits to form. Changing our habits requires us to put extra effort into areas of our life that operate on autopilot, and our minds love to run on autopilot! 

You are fighting against the very design of your brain when you try to change your habits. 

Imagine having to actively think about breathing or putting effort into chewing your food properly! 

Changing habits is like chasing bigfoot for a lot of people. Everyone wants to find him, but he always is out of reach. 

If you are human (and like us), you can relate to how difficult it is to change our habits, which in turn change our lives. However, do these three simple things, and your chance of change will increase by 1000%!

Write down your goal (or new habit you want to change)

Writing has the ability to form new connections in our brains. The more new connections we develop, the more likely we are to use them. 

When you write down your goal, don't just write a generic, out-of-touch statement. 


I want to get in shape. (Generic)
I want to exercise 30 minutes, 3x per week. (specific)

Put reminders in your path

Now that you've made new brain connections around the new habit you want in your life set yourself up for success with reminders. 


Place sticky notes all around your house.
Set reminders on your phone.
Block off time on your calendar (ahead of time).

Tell the world 

The more people you tell about your goal, the more accountable you become to action. 

Post about your new habits online.
Call your friends and tell them what you want to do. 
Tell your co-workers or random people you meet. 

Changing your life is the most difficult thing you'll ever do. Unfortunately, most people wish, dream, and hope change will just come upon them in a moment's time (lottery mindset) and live their whole life never experiencing the joy of change. 

If you are serious about making small changes in your life, then take these three steps and turn your dreams into reality. 


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9Round Moore Square is locally owned and operated. Every day we help people just like you live a healthier, fuller life. If you are busy and in need of a quick effective way to tone up, increase energy, reduce stress, and build confidence we are here to help.