When we hear the words "body fat," our minds conjure up images of belly bulges, love handles, and unwanted junk in the trunk. It's no wonder that countless articles flood the internet, offering exercise tips and diet secrets that promise to melt away body fat in record time.

But what if achieving a healthy body fat percentage isn't as simple as burning it away? What if there's more to body fat than meets the eye? Keep reading to find out.


Essential Fat vs Storage Fat

Let's start by understanding the two main types of body fat: essential fat and storage fat. Essential fat, as the name implies, is vital for our survival and overall health.

Men typically require around 3 percent of essential fat, while women need approximately 8 to 12 percent.

On the other hand, storage fat, also known as nonessential fat, accumulates in our bodies as energy reserves. This type of fat not only influences our body shape and appearance but also plays a significant role in our overall health.


Different Types of Fat

Storage fat can be further divided into two distinct types: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.

Subcutaneous fat is the adipose tissue located just beneath our skin. It's the kind of fat that we can see, touch, and even pinch.

Visceral fat, on the other hand, wraps itself around our organs in the abdominal cavity. This hidden intruder poses a greater threat to our health, as health professionals consider it a strong predictor of all-cause mortality in both men and women.


What if you have a “slow” metabolism?

Now, here's a common misconception: the idea that people with a "slow" metabolism automatically have a higher body fat percentage.

The truth is, your metabolism doesn't slow down simply because you're getting older or have consumed your fair share of fatty foods throughout your life. Rather, two factors tend to come into play as we age: a loss of muscle mass and a shift towards a sedentary lifestyle.

 Remember your childhood days when you were always on the move? Running around at school, walking to your friend's house, and generally being an active whirlwind of energy?

Well, fast forward to the present, and you may find yourself trapped in an office chair, commuting by car, and leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

You're still eating like you did in your teens and twenties, but the perfect storm of reduced physical activity and decreased muscle mass sets you on a path towards weight gain, not because of your age, but because of your lifestyle choices.


How can we lower our body fat percentage?

The answer lies in two simple concepts: eating less and moving more. But hold your horses, there's more to it than meets the eye. Eating less doesn't equate to starving yourself or neglecting proper nutrition. Drastically slashing calories without considering the quality of what you consume makes long-term maintenance incredibly challenging. Instead, focusing on the quality of calories and macronutrients becomes paramount.

As for moving more, it's not just about getting those coveted six-pack abs. Exercise offers a multitude of benefits, including better sleep, which, as we mentioned earlier, is linked to reduced visceral fat levels. Building healthy habits often intertwine, creating a harmonious symphony of well-being.


How can you track your progress and ensure that you're on the right path to lower your body fat percentage?

Monitoring the scale? Not really.

Changes in body weight aren’t exactly an accurate reflection of your progress. A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle or water in your body.

Take a body composition analysis to figure out your lean body mass and fat mass. Just make sure that it distinguishes fat mass between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. The device may even tell you your Basal Metabolic Rate, a key number to learning your metabolism.


The Bottom Line

In the complex realm of body fat, numerous factors come into play—caloric imbalance, nutrition, metabolism, and exercise regimens. It's enough to make anyone's head spin.

Remember, the battle against body fat goes beyond what's visible on the surface or what a scale can measure. Don't unknowingly put yourself at risk by relying solely on appearances.

Visceral fat may be lurking inside, wreaking havoc on your health. Start by taking a comprehensive body composition test that accurately measures body fat percentage and visceral fat.

This will set you on a confident path toward a healthier you, free from the empty promises of programs that claim you'll shed x amount of body fat in x days.

Are you ready for an exciting journey to achieve a healthy body fat percentage? It's time to satisfy your curiosity and uncover the mysteries that lie beneath the surface.

Schedule a starting point consultation and an InBody compositional scan today. Let us guide you on the path to becoming the best version of yourself.






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