How To Supercharge Your Day

How to Supercharge your day
There is no doubt that your life is hectic, and time slips away faster than a wet noodle on a spoon. What if there was a simple way to supercharge your day with simple 5-minute practice? We believe it's possible (because we experience it in our own lives). Here are three easy ways you can supercharge every day!
3 Tips For A Supercharged Day
Breath, Stretch, Move
It is well worth 5 minutes to start your day with deep breathing, light stretching, and planned movement! When you wake up, take a moment and focus on your breath. In your nose, deep into your belly, out your mouth. Then move around. Raise your hands above your head, bring your knees to your chest, and reach for your toes. While completing this 5-minute practice, consider when you plan to do more movement during the day. Hit the stairs 10 times before bed, crush a killer workout in the gym, and walk around the neighborhood a few times at lunch. Just block the time mentally to make it a reality! Spending these 5 minutes will supercharge your day.
Night Nighty
Before going to bed at night, take 5 minutes to review your day and plan for tomorrow. All days have their wins and losses. When you take a moment to reflect on the good and bad from the day you just lived, it increases your perspective and awareness in future moments. Also, as you cast your gaze on an upcoming day, consider what the most important priorities are for your schedule and consider the most efficient way to accomplish the tasks. 5 minutes every evening will supercharge your day.
You've invested 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening to supercharge your day. The best way to make this habit stick is to include your friends or family in the change! Talking with others about your morning and evening practice will create a superglue to the supercharging effect of your days. However, do not allow your communication to become complaining but openly share the discovery of a supercharged day!
There is a high chance that you will not execute on the suggestions we shared in this email. If you find these simple 5-minute tasks laborious or wasteful, you won't reap the benefits of supercharging your days; however, if you are tired of running the rat race and need something in your life to change. Please execute these easy tasks for 30 days and watch the change take place!
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9Round Raleigh is locally owned and operated. For over 9 years we have offered a healthy outlet to members of your community. Giving people the portal to healthy life choices is the mission we stand for!